Overcoming a fragile economy and increasing competition to drive sustainable growth is both the CEO’s key challenge and responsibility.
The Board of Directors of a global hi-tech company charged their newly appointed CEO with the responsibility of accelerating growth on a tight timetable. This meant the CEO had little time to assess multiple operating divisions spanning 3 continents as well as determine the depth of talent he had to work with.
The CEO mandated fast turnaround on the OGI Survey and within 15 business days had the results of the 18-minute online survey completed by every senior manager within the organization. This data provided a fact-based, benchmark assessment of the organization’s ability to grow overall, as well as by country, manufacturing facility, management level, and senior leader.
The OGI Survey gave the new CEO a complete, in-depth assessment of his entire organization in record time that allowed him to determine the performance the organization was capable of achieving in its present state. As the OGI clearly identified those leaders and operations aiding growth as well as those impeding it, the CEO knew exactly what he had to work with in order to accelerate growth and, more importantly, where he needed to focus his attention and resources to deliver results. This provided the new CEO with the hard data required to adjust the Board’s growth expectations and secure their support for his new growth and staffing plans.