Attracting, retaining, and developing the right talent is a critical success and survival factor for every company, as the battle for talent escalates.
The CEO of an international contract company needed a fact-based assessment of his senior leadership team to determine their ability to support the organization’s aggressive growth plan. Since he intended to double the size of the company within a 10-year timeframe behind a plan that called for major capital investment plus a number of acquisitions, the CEO needed to know whether the organization had the ability to successfully build and run expanded operations and successfully assimilate newly acquired companies.Action
An OGI Survey was implemented across the organization to assess the growth capability of senior leadership and identify training and development requirements by management level and individual leader. It was also intended to identify high potential employees for enhanced development and succession.
Based on OGI Survey results the CEO came to the stark conclusion that although the senior team was generally solid, none possessed the leadership acumen and creative thinking required to drive and sustain accelerated growth. Consequently, the CEO opted to strengthen his senior team by: 1) recruiting externally for two senior leadership roles; 2) implementing a targeted training and development program for his top-ranked leaders; and, 3) designing a fast-track succession program for high-potential managers.